lördag 29 januari 2011

Day 4

That was yesterday so I'll do a résumé. Did some squatting and stretching for half an hour and also a couple of stabilization-exercises to strengthen the thigh muscles which everybody has told me is necessary if I want to keep free from future knee injuries. However, the funniest thing I noticed yesterday was later in the evening. Went to see some friends and one of them tend to, apparently, walk as penguin when it's cold outside. I found this so ugly that I had to try and thus I started to walk like one. After ten metres I was literally exhausted and then it hit me- my endurance is already gone, after 26 days without proper training. I don't even want to think of how bad it'll be when I'll be able to run again. Huh, first it takes me half a season only to GET a good level of endurance, and then it's gone by the wind after four weeks. How nice.

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