måndag 31 januari 2011

Day 7

Hey guys, not that I think someone actually reads this blog but I can imagine you exist, I'm good at imagening unrealistic things. Sooo, what about my knee. Well, as I wrote yesterday I went to the physio therapist this morning and she seemed to be pretty pleased with my exercising and progress so far. She also said that since the swelling inside the knee hasn't really gone down during the last couple of weeks, she's almost sure that it's a meniscus injury. That's kind of bad ass, isn't it? Cool (and old) people always get their meniscuses broken from dangerous accidents. I got tackled, that's cool enough for qualification. ANYWAY! The physio therapist gave me some new instructions of the special exercises I've been doing, making the squatting harder by standing on an inflated pillow on one leg and things like that. I was also answered that yes, it's good to cycle and work with the crosstrainer, not least to keep my endurance alive. Another thing I have to be careful with is the fact that I rotate me knee inwards (haha, inwards) when squatting so when I do them I have to make sure I keep both legs straight and maintain the accurate positions of the feet.
In the afternoon, my mom called me and said she'd managed to get a (restored) time at the hospital tomorrow for an MRI! That's cool for sure! I've always wanted to do an MRI (to be honest, I've also always wanted to use crutches for real and that wasn't too fun).
I think I'm going to do some balance-exercises when watching tv tonight, sounds good? Of course, I'm good incarnated.

söndag 30 januari 2011

Day 6

That's actually today, yay me! Went to see our game this morning and everybody asked me "What the hell are you doing here? It's 8.30 am, you're mentally ill". Well, yes, I'm probably mentally ill and lack a meaningful life (as I accused all the people in the crowd for and then realizing I was one of them) but do you understand how crazy I'd get if I didn't go there every training session and game? Now when I've gotten older I've come to realize how important the social aspect of playing floorball and being a part of a team (and also a special identity) is. Also, I get extremely jealous of the ones playing and this indeed motivates me to get my ass of the couch and do some physio therapy. So that I did, went home and did some training in other words. 10x3 bendings with the rubber band, 20x2 squattings with both legs on the ground, 10x2 with each leg on the ground and some stretching for approximately 10 minutes; first 5 mins with the knee extended and then 5 contracted. It's quite fun how much better the motion ability is right afterwards I've done these things, even though they're not that complicated. Going to the physio therapist tomorrow morning before school, wish me luck.

Day 5

Umm...that was also yesterday, however today's yesterday and not yesterday's yesterday as I wrote yesterday. So, what did I do to maintain my health and strengthen my knee in an injury preventive aim yesterday? Not very much to be honest, I went for a walk for an hour to get the blood circulation going but skipped the squatting and bending-with-green-rubber-band since it hurted too much after the dumb accident the other day. The ligaments around the knee were way to tense for me to be able to enjoy working out. Did some minor stretching in the evening but I don't think it was enough to give any noticable result. Nevertheless, I'm getting more and more mentally positive towards this physio therapy period of my life and thank God for that, the law of attraction has helped me before...

lördag 29 januari 2011

Day 4

That was yesterday so I'll do a résumé. Did some squatting and stretching for half an hour and also a couple of stabilization-exercises to strengthen the thigh muscles which everybody has told me is necessary if I want to keep free from future knee injuries. However, the funniest thing I noticed yesterday was later in the evening. Went to see some friends and one of them tend to, apparently, walk as penguin when it's cold outside. I found this so ugly that I had to try and thus I started to walk like one. After ten metres I was literally exhausted and then it hit me- my endurance is already gone, after 26 days without proper training. I don't even want to think of how bad it'll be when I'll be able to run again. Huh, first it takes me half a season only to GET a good level of endurance, and then it's gone by the wind after four weeks. How nice.

torsdag 27 januari 2011

Day 3

Actually pretty motivated to train the hell out of my knee today after a completely shitty afternoon. My plan was to use the massive aggressions in order to force myself to exercise even harder and push it all a bit. So, I get ready, leave home, head to the bus and...fall. This is exactly why you don't want to live in Sweden- it's freakin' ice cold, it's slippery and people don't care to check if you're alright in case you've slipped. I slipped and as everyone would do instinctively, I bent my knee to stop the fall. Problem is- I can't bend my knee since it's still too swollen inside and the nervs get in between when pushing it all together. Pain. A lot. However, it wasn't the pain that caused the most damage but the shock I got when I fell and the thought "I'm so screwed, no floorball ever again" hit me in a nano-second. The adrenaline-rush I got lasted for like an hour and I'm still a bit shaky. My coach/chiropractor told me to do as much exercises as I possibly could do though and I guess he was right (he's a giant so he's right even when he's wrong), I did some of the squatting and stretching too loosen the muscles up and get the blood circulation going and it feels pretty good despite the stupid accident. God I hate winter.

onsdag 26 januari 2011

Day 2

Stretching the knee at the moment and it hurts like hell. A bit ache in and around the knee from the training yesterday so walking up and down the stairs at school wasn't the funniest thing I've done in my life. Jesus Christ it's stiff when trying to extend it from a contracted (?) position. The boring thing with doing this assignment and not being able do train normally, is that things like what I eat and stuff, don't affect my limited physical activity very much. Well of course, if I'd eat tonnes of protein bars, the muscles in the knee would probably gain more from the exercise but I doubt that that difference would be noticable. However, I don't want to over load the knee and pressumed damaged ligaments too much when I've just started to train, thus due to the pain I won't do any today. I'm going hardcore tomorrow evening again so hopefully it'll be better until then.

tisdag 25 januari 2011

Day 1

Here we go, after 23 days of inactivity, pain, plenty of doctors, physio therapists, crutches, bandages, a destroyed vacation and frustration, I finally exercised. What a relief, even though the actual training wasn't more than a couple of knee-bends and stretching. Don't ask why I haven't done the physio therapy earlier, the answer is as simple as knowing that teenagers are lazy and rehabilitation is as fun as black and white tv without sound (except that now, you have to move you body which isn't required if you watch tv). So, how did the training go? Very good I must confess. So good, I get a bit mad at myself for not doing it earlier. My friend, who currently is recovering after a knee surgery, came to assist me and it all ended up with her screaming at me that I HAVE TO stretch the knee, otherwise I might end up unable to put my shoes on in ten years and even worse, not being able to play floorball ever again, which would be like the worst thing that could happen. However, I'm glad that she yelled at me with her most threatening voice- now I can actually sit in my bed with the leg completely stretched out and without support from a gigant pillow, something I haven't done since January 1st. What we have learnt today:

  • Physio therapy isn't bullshit.

Cape Verde, January 2011. A couple of days after the injury incident. Hilarious vacation.