torsdag 27 januari 2011

Day 3

Actually pretty motivated to train the hell out of my knee today after a completely shitty afternoon. My plan was to use the massive aggressions in order to force myself to exercise even harder and push it all a bit. So, I get ready, leave home, head to the bus and...fall. This is exactly why you don't want to live in Sweden- it's freakin' ice cold, it's slippery and people don't care to check if you're alright in case you've slipped. I slipped and as everyone would do instinctively, I bent my knee to stop the fall. Problem is- I can't bend my knee since it's still too swollen inside and the nervs get in between when pushing it all together. Pain. A lot. However, it wasn't the pain that caused the most damage but the shock I got when I fell and the thought "I'm so screwed, no floorball ever again" hit me in a nano-second. The adrenaline-rush I got lasted for like an hour and I'm still a bit shaky. My coach/chiropractor told me to do as much exercises as I possibly could do though and I guess he was right (he's a giant so he's right even when he's wrong), I did some of the squatting and stretching too loosen the muscles up and get the blood circulation going and it feels pretty good despite the stupid accident. God I hate winter.

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