torsdag 3 februari 2011

Day 9

Yesterday in other words. To be honest, I didn't do any of the exercises since my thighs barely allowed me to walk and made me look like a real cripple again. A cripple without crutches that will say. However, I noticed something that I kind of have noticed even earlier but is way more concrete this time- I'm constantly tired. Ever heard of the "Zombie Walks" in different big cities all over the world? Yeah, I feel like one of them. In the beginning of the week I couldn't really figure out why I'm tired all the time, but then yesterday it hit me- I haven't exercised properly for exactly one month. Now how insane isn't that? Thus, me being tired isn't peculiar at all, it's just that my body isn't used to being this inactive and not getting the endorphines on a regular basis.

What we learned yesterday:
  • Exercising does make you feel more alert.

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