söndag 18 september 2011


(I better watch my writing, seems like my coach reads this blog as well- hej Anders!) Trying to leave Sunday's game behind, in my opinion one of the shittiest games I've ever played. However, a win 5-3, met the team that qualified for division 2 last season, not bad considering that we just advanced from division 4. So, what was, according to my self, improper? My running and movement. I ran, but I ran wrong. As my new role as forward on the left side (instead of the right, on which I've played during the last couple of years), I'm supposed to run my ass off and both disturb the opponent's defenders, as well as be in constant movement in order to be the first player by the ball when it's hit down to the corner of the pitch. Not often, I managed to be on the right place at the right time and this is the cause of my anger with myself. Therefore, I decided to use Tuesday's practice to learn the right running patterns. How that went? Good I think, but it would've been even better if more than four players had listened to the instructions...

I'm only going to play with the junior-team this week, as there are no games this weekend and my thighs and knees really need to recover.

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