söndag 16 oktober 2011

I don't like October

Almost a month since I wrote last time and I thiiiink that things are working out quite good. Managing to stay away from colds and major injuries, always a step in the right direction. The training is going fine, focusing on the junior team-practises and go double when I feel that my body is in sufficiently good shape for senior team-tempo. Although, still not scoring during the games which really messes with my brain- as fast as I get a goal-chance, I automatically think score, and therefore end up shooting five metres outside of the goal. However, I have gotten some tips from a person that really knows what he is talking about:
  • Take more responsibility when I play with the junior-team, even though it shouldn't be needed.
  • Dare to handle the ball for longer sequences and not just getting rid of it as soon as I get it.
  • Try to stop shoot with the backhand-side when I actually have the time to turn around to the right position and shoot with the forehand-side.
The funny thing is that I really DO practice these things (it is hard not to when hearing his voice as soon as you get near the ball). Number two is going slightly better than number one and three but hopefully, I will get there.

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