måndag 4 april 2011

March 31st - April 4th

No training on Thursday the 31st, my body was a bit exhausted from the body-pump the previous day.
Therefore, I celebrated April's arrival with a spinning as well as core-session. Guess I could've had some more resistance during the spinning but it's hard to know how much is enough if you want to be able to accomplish the core-session afterwards as good as possible. Some days the spinning is fairly painless even with a higher level of resistance and some days it kills you after five minutes. The core-sessions are getting easier and easier and for that I'm thankful, don't even want to think of how much pain I was in after the first couple of times.
Went train- and bus-hoboing for hours on the Saturday with a friend all over Stockholm and after that I did feel some pain in my knee which my mom wasn't too happy about. According to her I shouldn't walk longer distances in Converse but according to me it's ugly to wear trainers so no way in hell that's going to happen.
No training yesterday but a couple of hours ago I came home from the physio therapist as well as the gym. Faced my first difficulty when I did the side-jumps and the knee capsule started to ache. On that particular area I've been sore since all this shit started but last time I did the exercise it went completely fine. The physio therapist told me to avoid those kinds of loads for a few days and then try again. Afterwards I crossed the street to the gym and cycled for 20 minutes on level 10 and 8. Did 12x3 in the adduction (44 kg) and abduction (63 kg) machine and after that my intention was to do some back lifting but stupidly I didn't know how to adjust the machine so I finished the session with a bit of stretching. When the joint is warm I can bend the knee almost all the way in, think it was a new record today.

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